The purpose of this website is to serve as a repository for websites that need to be re-designed and brought into this century. If you find yourself here, don't get mad... get even. FIX IT!!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

The Butcher's Strife

Welcome back folks. This week we have a very special guest! His name is David Farr. Mr. Farr's site is our point of interest this time around because not only is he a magician but he also markets his "Internet Marketing System" to magicians all around the country for ass loads of money.

This website suffers from many of the previously mentioned infractions from other websites. The one thing that baffles us the most here is the fact he has modern social media stuff on such a retroactively bad website. Marketing is all about image and the image this website represents is "I am too cheap to have a professional site made". Mercifully the audio files do not automatically play BUT they are flash based so no one will ever hear them on an idevice. If you click on "results" (I can't link you because for some reason it never leaves the main URL) there is the random red line on the left side, an annoying pop window, and the ability to scroll down FOREVER! All of that aside there is more harm on this website than just the interface and layout.

I am reminded of an analogy (heh anal) of how you should think of teachers and gurus in our community. If you want meat you go to a butcher. If you want internet marketing systems why not look for someone who is doing it right and doing what you want to be doing. If what you want to be doing is have a website that looks like it was made in a junior high school's web building class the "Amazing System" is right up your alley.

For a very large sum of money Mr. Farr will make you a site that sends people poorly written email templates. Then, on the off chance they happen to book you, it sends them a thousand more fucking emails which I am sure is just what they wanted. You're not "too busy" to talk to a client, don't kid yourself. Keep in mind also that the price of this "system" isn't actually a one time deal. There is another monthly fee that brings it to $300 a year on top of the initial 3 grand just to keep skull fucking your clients with emails.

To be completely honest Mr. Farr is one of the biggest scam artists in magic today. If you think that the "Amazing System" will help you make you one dick shake of money you are poorly mistaken. Spamming people won't make them book you. It will just piss them off, and then you're out a lot of money. My best advice is get a good act first, the money will follow. Don't just go buy an off the shelf kids show and think that David Farr and Brad Ross will make you superstars. Think about what their motivation is to give up all their "secrets" to marketing. Look at their careers and ask yourself if it's what you want to be doing, because they aren't performing magic, that's for sure.

UPDATE: It appears he too has decided to join the rest of the world with a better website. We can't speak for his business practices but at least the website is better. (However the layout could use some work) If you want to see what it USED to look like, Click Here.

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