The purpose of this website is to serve as a repository for websites that need to be re-designed and brought into this century. If you find yourself here, don't get mad... get even. FIX IT!!

Monday, January 23, 2017

Shop smart, shop douche mart!

The tales of our death have been greatly exaggerated. While we would love to spend all our waking hours bashing shitty magic websites, we have lives. 

However, sometimes those lives must be put on pause because we find a website that is so bad it must be poked with a stick.

You might be looking at this website and wondering what's wrong with it when compared to other fare we have targeted in the past. Could it be the fact that it looks like the QVC of bad magic? Like Hot Topic and Wal-mart had a late night swilling Zima, made some bad decisions, then had a baby and made a website for it? The front page is jam packed with SO much BS that you can't even tell it's for a person. 

Mind you I use the word "person" lightly. Criss Angel is clearly dead and in his place is this cardboard cutout they have propped up just to sell crappy merch. Why else would 4 of the 9 menu items be dedicating to getting you to buy crap with his name on it? 

Speaking of which, can we talk about the "Secret Society" page for a bit? The photo makes it look like that if you sign up on this page, you are going to dress up and run around in the woods playing a LARP of Vampire: The Masquerade circa 1995. Why do I get the feeling that if you actually got into that section from buying one of his crappy magic kits, you would be learning the deep and mysterious secrets to an Adam's ball vase? I also like how he "personalized" the message on the page. It HAS to have been written by him because it makes no fucking sense! "Remember to practice ‘til you perfect before performing." (badly placed hyphen removed for... clarity?)

All of the content aside, one of the other problems is the inconsistency of the design. Almost every page is totally different in layout and feel. It's kind of a metaphor for his career. Sloppy and all over the place.

Yes we have seen MUCH worse websites but the fact this one clearly exists just to hock cheap crap and line Criss Angel's pockets makes and has no redeeming value content or design wise makes it a bad site. That and well... this:

Kristen "Rape Eyes" Lambert