The purpose of this website is to serve as a repository for websites that need to be re-designed and brought into this century. If you find yourself here, don't get mad... get even. FIX IT!!

Friday, November 28, 2014

Now you know how Roger Rabbit Feels.

Splash Page? Check.
Webdesign circa 1995? Check.
Rapey photo that looks like a bad prom photo? Double Check

Must be a magician's website!

What heinous crime has this warlock perpetrated that has made us lock our Sauron-like gaze upon it? While there are a ton of bad magic sites that litter the internet landscape, we try to bring you new and different lessons in bad ideas when we can. This website suffers from bad SEO practices and I suspect they don't even know it. 

The biggest and most glaring problem is their use of FRAMES. Frames are bad for SEO as it takes the content that most search engines look for out of the main HTML flow. Thus all of the content, (including the spammy "we work these cities" text that Google totally ignores), won't be found when searching for one of the few husband and wife magic teams in Philly. Of course I am just an anonymous phantom in the internet mist so what could I know right? Why not get a second opinion?

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Black as the Ace of Spades

First let me preface this with the fact that you would think someone who was voted "Best Teenage Magician" by the thugs at the AMA would have a better website... but then again, maybe not.

As I stare into the black void that is his website I wonder if this kid is still working. After looking at his videos it is clear that, if he is, it's not because of this website or his video links. Two of the videos have been taken down by copyright claims and he has decided to just leave them up there. Mind you his resume seems to stop at 2011 so maybe he did too.

So whilst we ponder his career choices, let's take a look at the website itself. He has obviously taken a minimalist approach with the lack of backgrounds and photos. The contact page is two lines of text awash in a sea of nothingness. That's some hipster irony right there... or just a cheaply made website. The main page image has a reflection on the bottom of it which isn't part of the main image. This leads me to believe that it was made from a template or some such. A quick peek at the source code confirmed my suspicions as the meta tag "iWeb-Build" was left in.

Oh you crazy Mac owners. You think because you computer is made for soccer moms and technology retards you can just make your own websites/DVDs/videos etc. It would be cute if it wasn't so obvious.

I guess being groomed by the pack of wolves that runs the young magicians program at the Magic Castle doesn't include spending a little scratch to make yourself look like a pro.

UPDATE: Apparently someone other than us told him his website was terrible so he has updated it... kind of. The front page is better but the rest of it is just as bad if not worse. To see it in it's former glory hole, Click Here.