The purpose of this website is to serve as a repository for websites that need to be re-designed and brought into this century. If you find yourself here, don't get mad... get even. FIX IT!!

Friday, May 31, 2013


Well at least this guy has his own domain name but... but... the colors man.. the colors.

I've been wondering what young Brian Cox had been up to. Aside from the colors doing something unnatural to each other on that page it is LOADED with excessive text. Let me teach you a new term kiddies: Black Hat SEO. Cramming your website full of keywords no longer works. Google is smarter than you and has likely blacklisted this site so NO ONE will ever see it... which might the best thing Google has ever done for the world.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

The swelling has gone down...

Remember the last post where I mentioned how a free website looks bad for business? This one takes some if not all of the cake. (Click the image to see what I mean.) Back in 1832 domain names were expensive but now they are under ten dollars easy. There is no excuse for NOT having a proper domain name as a "professional". 

Also, if you have the time Google how to justify the text on your websites people. It's not like it's been the standard in print and layout since FOREVER! It's obviously not the website owner's fault tho'. After all he is obviously a gifted graphic designer and could not be responsible for this website layout abortion right?

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Let freedom ring!

Nothing says "You get what you pay for" like a website url that contains "Webs, Wix, Weebly, etc" in it. For the love of all that is is full of holes, pony up some of that cash you get from those crappy birthday parties and get a website done right!

Into infinity AND BEYOND!

If it looks like your website was created in Front Page Express in 1998 it might be time to look into some modern web design. No one wants to scroll infinitely to find your pertinent information. NO.ONE.