The purpose of this website is to serve as a repository for websites that need to be re-designed and brought into this century. If you find yourself here, don't get mad... get even. FIX IT!!

Monday, February 23, 2015

Starry Night

If you are wondering why there is such a delay between posts, it's because we wait for bad magic websites to come to us. To wander their crippled asses through the solar system and find their way to our doorstep.

This next one is part of the problem and NOT the solution.

For full disclosure, there is more than one of us and we troll the internet magic scene. This includes Facebook. This little twinkle of starlight drew attention to itself with THIS gem: "I posted advice here before and it was ignored so if you want ti know about some fantastic easy to use and very inexpensive software pm me. I did my own website in 2 days. You can own this software for as little as $20"

If you look at the website he is trying to pimp you will gain knowledge and insight into the above statement. It becomes obvious he knows nothing about coding... or design... or tact. (Wasn't the phrase, "All you need to supply is a room  full of children." coined by Michael Jackson?) It does indeed look like he made it in two days. (It took him one day to figure out how to install and start the program)

20$!! That's a bargain... as in "Bargain Bin". I'm pretty sure Frontpage Express is going for about that much now so you too can have a website that looks like you made it yourself in a few days so act now!

All of that aside, let's look at the website itself. My favorite part of the "frontpage" (See what we did there?) is the 2014 copyright at the bottom. I would just change that to 1995. It will help prevent people from feeling sorry for you. 

Aside from the main page having a title of "Welcome" and not where you actually are and the fact it's not clickable at ALL in the menu, it would be remiss of us to not mention the background. Removing that twinkling monstrosity and replacing it with a simple textured background would force this website into a Delorean and time travel about ten years into the future at least.

After this link was posted, someone commented thus, "This is why it is a good idea to pay for coding services, to avoid bad looking website. It is a nice effort, but let,s face it, we should let pro do their job." His response? Priceless: "I don't need a pro my markrting campaign keeps me very busy"

(All typos and bad grammar in quotes have been left in for authenticity)

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